티스토리 뷰


윈도우 10 비디오 드라이버 문제인지 가끔 이런 오류가 발생하는 경우 대처하는 방법입니다.






제일 아래로 내리면 인텔 마크가 표시된 사용자가 답변을 달아 놓은 것이 있습니다.

해당 내용을 참고하시면 될 것 같습니다.


Hello Xinn,


I would recommend to install the latest version of the Graphics Driver from our site, please visit Download Intel® Graphics Driver for Windows® 10 [15.40][4th Gen], I would also recommend performing a manual installation of the driver. Here are the instructions for the Manual Installation Desktop graphics drivers — How to Manually Install a Driver in Microsoft Windows 8* or Windows 8.1*


Here is a helpful link that might help you to fix this issue;

How to Fix the "Display Driver Stopped Responding and Has Recovered" Error | OSToto.


The content on the above site is not controlled by Intel. This information is offered for your convenience and should not be viewed as an endorsement by Intel for the merchants or services offered there.


For further information you can check the following link Graphics Drivers — Errors Reported By Microsoft*.





